Video Search Engine Optimization

By Mike Sachoff - Tue, 08/19/2008 - 9:35am.
Tips on optimization
In the SES session "Video Search Engine Optimization" (VSEO), Greg Jarboe, president & co-founder, SEO-PR, started by talking about YouTube.
(Coverage of the SES San Jose conference will continue through its end. Keep an eye on WebProNews for more notes and video from the event this week.)
YouTube accounts for 98 percent of the video views on all Google sites. YouTube hosts 83.4 million videos. It dominates because it is a video-sharing site. You have to optimize and develop a video sharing strategy.
One off videos are interesting, but you really need to look for repeatable patterns. Occasional spikes are wonderful but you want to see views take off on a sustained basis.
One of his more popular videos had 13 percent of its views come from search and 75 percent of the views came from related videos. People don't watch a single video, they watch batches of video.
He has optimized 130 videos over 4 shows for SES. Seventy-one percent of the views came from embedded YouTube players on other site's blogs. If you can get people to embed your video into a blog you are really on to something.
Create a customized video player widget for you Web site or blog audience. The secret of video search optimization is video sharing.
Chase Norlin, CEO, Pixy Corporation, touched on trends in video search and how to optimize for it.
PureVideo is a video search engine. To optimize for it add rich Meta data. Push out a media rss/mrss feed on a regular basis. Contact and submit video to search engines.
Simple email to search video search engines can help you get added to their crawl queues.
Steve Espinosa, Director of product development & management, eLocal Listing, gave tips for getting universal results for Yahoo and Google.
Export in SWF file format and do not use active x controls. Create a video sitemap and build a page for each video. Optimize the page using title tags and link from your index page to your video page. Use a constant video description and title across all sites.
Use analytics and pay attention to dwell time. Do a/b variant testing to determine which videos get the best response and where to place links to your videos from your index page.
Utilize thumbnails and show your call to action in your thumbnail.
Matthew Scheybeler, CTO, blinkx, gave advice on SEO Do's for video.
Provide well-placed and meaningful metadata. Use a cleaner to remove irrelevant Meta data. Use only one video per page and have plenty of text.
Make sure the video is titled something appropriate and take advantage of rss/mrss.
Avoid tag spam, flash only and dynamic players. Also avoid pop up players.
Gregory Markel, founder/president, Infuse Creative, spoke about why you should optimize video.
Video search is popular and video is effective for branding and reputation management.
The keyword for "video" is searched many times more than the keyword for "god." Video is that hot.

Video Search Engine Optimization (VSEO)

According to comScore, nearly 139 million U.S. Internet users watched an average of 83 videos per viewer in March 2008, viewing a total of 11.5 billion online videos during the month. However, the average YouTube video receives only 100 views a year. This makes optimizing video for YouTube one of the biggest opportunities in the fast-changing and complex world of search. This session will look at how video search engine optimization (VSEO) has become the most important new use of search engine optimization today.Moderator:Joseph Morin, Partner, Boost Search Marketing & CEO, Storybids, Inc.Speakers:Greg Jarboe, President & Co-founder, SEO-PRChase Norlin, CEO, Pixsy CorporationSteve Espinosa, Director of Product Development & Management, eLocal Listing, LLCMatthew Scheybeler, CTO, blinkxGregory Markel, Founder/President, Infuse Creative, LLCGreg Jarboe: Anyone heard of Youtube? Audience laughs.
We were playing with this weird thing a few years ago and then Google acquired it. Youtube accounts for over 98% of all videos viewed at Google sites. The game has changed. A lot of us keep optimizing and optimizing and hope with enough optimization good things will happen. One needs to understand Youtube as a couple things. It's a search engine. But it's primary power and addiction and force of dominance is as a video sharing site. The right strategies to get your videos found - means you need to optimize, but also need a sharing strategy. That's the real secret to ranking in Youtube.
A few case studies: A B2C site. A company called STACK media got 140,104 views on 137 videos. Spikes are wonderful, but want videos take off on a sustained basis.
The Allen Iverson training video had 36,885 views as of August 8th, 2008. His training video is getting a consistent growing uplift. The shocking truth is that 13% of views came from Search! That;s where the optimization kicked in. 75% came from somewhere else. In this case, they came from related videos. People don't watch "a" video, they watch batches. They are addictive. They came from other Allen Iverson videos - they came and saw more. This is "related video optimization".
Another case study: Worked with SES to optimize over 130 videos - London, NY, etc. Got 26,2411 views. Healthy in a B2B category. Let's look at an individual video. We see a spike at the time of SES NY. Then # of visits went crazy again in the summer. What happened here? Where did the views come from? In this case 7.4% from search. Great! But 71% came from embedded in players and on blogs. Is that search? No. But it's views. And it helps get integrated in universal search.
The related video phenomenon - people watch related videos in a session. And if they embed it in a blog, even better. Create a widget. Allows a package of videos to be taken onto a site. Can tailor the widget so that your videos come up first on your site. Cross fertilization effect. It's video sharing, and that's the secret.
Next up is Chase Norlin:
The web is becoming increasingly visual. It's a challenge to index everything. Getting in video search engines is big. Provides free traffic, exposure of brand and content, or ad revenue.
Pure Video is a large video search site, and a lot of people want to know how to rank high in this engine. How do you show up in top 3? Need to add rich metadata. Push out RSS/MRSS and update frequently. Format that video search engines like. Video search crawling in general is not automated. Also, contact the videos earch engines! Email them to get into the crawler queue. Will get regularly crawled.
Got a site? Run private label video search on it! Powerful for creating traffic and ad revenue and unique content. Customize the search to your audience.
That's all! Thanks.
Stephen Espinosa is up.
How do you get ranked in universal search, and how to convert it?
Who knows that Yahoo has universal search too with video?
Create your videos - take into account the length. No one wants to sit and watch a 3-4 minute video on a search page. Have a call to action. Calls are more important than clicks. Make it ready for TV. Put a twist on it to make it viral.
Make sure video is in SWF format. Don't use Active X controls.
Use Google Video sitemaps and available variables. Make sure all your videos are fed to Google via the sitemap.
SEO: Build a page for every video you produce. Optimize the page with the tags, content, keywords, file name. Use a constant video description that is keyword rich across all sites.
Use analytics to test how long people are staying on the page. If a video is 6 minutes, and people are staying for 42 seconds - you have a problem. Use A/B variant testing to determine which videos gain the best response and where to place links to your video page from your homepage.
Utilize thumbnails. Show your call to action - phone number. Can tell Google which thumbnail to display. Make sure to tell your video producer to put the call to action at the 1/4 mark, 1/2 mark and 3/4 mark.
Google TV. Very affordable to create highly targeted TV spots that you can coordinate with video launches.
Video & Local. Sponsored and local listings are 2.2x likely to get the click. Add the video and you are 3.3x more likely to get the traffic.
Next up is Matthew from Blix.
Tips: Submit video to Blix and they will do the hard work for you.
A list to do for Google and Yahoo video:
1) Provide a well place message2) Have a page with lots of text3) Descriptive file names4) Sitemaps - submit to different engines5) Make sure the URL is descriptive
Don't:1) Don't tag spam. Will get penalized in Blix. 2) Don't require a special flash player
Real his white paper on video SEO.
Gregory of Infuse is up next.
Doing video search since 2001. Has #1 result for "video optimization" on Google.
People forget how effective video can be for reputation management. Can own the SERPs using video optimization. Sharing / community is key to maximizing the bang.
Also, theres mobile benefit. Can opt into a mobile version of the channel in Youtube. Great for demos.
Case study: "Corvette" search on Google - GM does not have a video but someone else does. Missed opportunity by GM.
Put the video on your site as a best practice, but these days people focus on upload approaches as well as RSS and MRSS feeds.
If you are concerned about putting own video on your own site, and want to rank as well as possible, focus on the metadata and everything that surrounds the video. The video search engines read and use that to rank.
We believe video optimization is any technique - paid, viral, social - anything to achieve marketing goals with videos. People get fixated on he keywords when uploading. They are important. Focus on the truncation aspect. The most important keyword or brand should be at the beginning of the sentence. Can rank very successfully for moderate and non competitive phrases just with keywords, but no longer the only piece of the puzzle. To illustrate this - a video with less views can rank higher because of the social aspect. Especially in a competitive vertical. Google is opening up in new ways - the Google keyword tool - now revealing queries. Youtube is becoming more transparent too. More stuff rolling out. You will not rank well on Youtube for competitive videos on keywords alone. Need to stimulate it.
Tips:1) Have no financial interest - make it a good advice piece.2) One title, description, etc. syndicating to many engines.3) On the Youtube homepage, it will tell you what's popular. Query your keyword. It will show you vital information and what keywords are most popular. 4) Type a keyword related to one of your terms, and sort by views. Study those videos. Look at the content, tags, and community aspects such as comments and links. 5) AOL has a page that shows you popular videos from video search engines.6) Find related videos, and come up with a clever video response to that video. Add a URL in the description of the video to your website.7) Any type of text, or call to action. If you have a series of videos - keep them in your walled garden - there is a free feature in Youtube to do so. 8) Add a branding experience. Add a URL in every single frame with a call to action.
Get familiar with the Youtube partner program. If you are content owner, can get rev share. No cost way to increase your video optimization, because Youtube will help promote it.
A new feature: The screening room. They are desperate for content. Can get 6 figures worth of advertising value if you get featured there.
Allow comments within your channel. If you don't, hard to rank well in hypercompetive verticals.
Talk about your video in social sites, press releases. Can embed videos in press releases. Check out sites like, Stumbleupon for using social to promote videos.
Paid search - a new feature rolling out - can buy keywords in Youtube via PPC - only available to agencies right now.
Can use Adwords - through content and site match - to place video ads. Very cost effective. Tremendous value.
Contributed by Avi Wilensky of Promediacorp.

14 Best Practices and Tips for Video Optimization SEO

Video optimization as part of your search engine optimization efforts can be a great way for you to expose your brand to users who may have otherwise not been familar with your brand, your product(s) or your service(s). With the launch of Universal Search from Google, you can expect to see more and more video results occupying the search engine results that are served up by Google.

Marketers and site owners are continuing to experiment with video as a means of intercepting their target markets. As a result, we are seeing more video driven content surface on the Web. Just how popular is video content on the Web? Well depending on the study or data you review, the results vary.
The thing is, as is the case with a lot of the content on the Web, a lot of the video out there is useless and lacking in informative content.
Don't get me wrong, there is a lot of great "How To" video's out there, but there are a lot of video footage that is really just noise and an interuption to those of use looking for useful, relevant information. According to, the growth of online video has been quite explosive.

Site Unique Visitors (1000s) (June 2007) Year-over-year growth
1. YouTube 51,378 162%
2. Google Video 17,759 137%
3. AOL Video 15,687 114%
4. Yahoo! Video 15,473 405%
5. 15,281 69%
6. MSN Video 11,967 8%

With this type of growth, the need for online video optimization is a must. As a result, we have compiled a few best practices that you should consider when looking to optimize your online video.
Video Optimization Best Practices and Tips
  1. Make sure that your video clips are relevant and informative - For starters, ensure that your video provides useful and informative information. Videos that demonstrate step by step procedures are great, videos that express an opinion about a specific topic can be useful too. Videos that have nothing to do with your brand or service offering or are general or vague in nature will just confuse your audience. Save the viewer the trouble and don't just upload a video for the sake of uploading a video.
  2. SEO Video Optimization Fundamental Tip #1:
    Give your video a Catchy Title
    - Video can be used to bring visitors to your site. One way to get users to view your video is to give it a catchy title that contains a related key phrase that is relevant to your product, service or brand.
  3. Use Video as a Portal to other Content on Your Site - Upload a couple of videos to portals like YouTube and provide links back to related content and other videos on your site.
  4. SEO Video Optimization Fundamental Tip #2: Optimize your video for Important Key Phrases - You might want to optimize your video for terms users are likely to be searching for. Tag your video with these terms, consider naming the file name of the video with these terms in mind.
  5. Provide Transcripts of your Videos
    - Good old HTML content is still a favorite with the search engines. If you
    want your video to rank well, you need to give the search engines something to
    index and rank. Surround your videos with onpage copy that can be indexed by
    the search engines.
  6. Keep Your Videos to five minutes or less - there is nothing worse than a boring video that goes on an on.
    If you have video content that is of long duration, consider breaking it up into smaller pieces and tag each accordingly. Not only does this make for better viewing pleasure, it also keeps the user looking for more.
  7. Make use of a Video Sitemap - For video that is native to your own website, make sure that users and search engine spiders can find your video content. The easiest way to do this is through the use of a video sitemap on your site. Use important keywords in the
    anchor text links to your videos featured on your video sitemap.
  8. SEO Video Optimization Fundamental Tip #3: Tag Your Videos - tag your
    videos with key phrases that are reflective of the content.
  9. Brand your Video with your Logo -
    Video is a great tool to generate brand awareness with your prospects. Take advantage of this by incorporating your brand in your videos.
  10. SEO Video
    Optimization Fundamental Tip #4: Remember Inbound Linking Factors
    Link to videos using important keywords in anchor text.
  11. Offer the Option to Embed Your Video - allow other users access to the coding that will allow them to embed your video on their website or their blog. Think viral marketing.
  12. SEO Video Optimization Fundamental Tip #5: Add Descriptive Meta Data -
    optimize your video for relevant keywords and include a keyword rich description of your video content.
  13. Allow Users to Rate your Video -
    videos that receive higher ratings from users are the ones that users tend to favorite and save. You can bet that the search engines will pay attention to this when ranking these videos.
  14. Syndicate Your Video - Submit your video to RSS.

Video optimization is becoming more important as mainstream aspect to search engine optimization. The best way to optimize your video content is to think about the user and who you want to engage with your video. Be smart about it, don't just post a video for the sake of posting a video. Consider your audience, their language and their needs.

Video Search Engine Optimization (VSEO)

According to comScore, nearly 139 million U.S. Internet users watched an average of 83 videos per viewer in March 2008, viewing a total of 11.5 billion online videos during the month. However, the average YouTube video receives only 100 views a year. This makes optimizing video for YouTube one of the biggest opportunities in the fast-changing and complex world of search. This session will look at how video search engine optimization (VSEO) has become the most important new use of search engine optimization today.Moderator:Joseph Morin, Partner, Boost Search Marketing & CEO, Storybids, Inc.Speakers:Greg Jarboe, President & Co-founder, SEO-PRChase Norlin, CEO, Pixsy CorporationSteve Espinosa, Director of Product Development & Management, eLocal Listing, LLCMatthew Scheybeler, CTO, blinkxGregory Markel, Founder/President, Infuse Creative, LLCGreg Jarboe: Anyone heard of Youtube? Audience laughs.
We were playing with this weird thing a few years ago and then Google acquired it. Youtube accounts for over 98% of all videos viewed at Google sites. The game has changed. A lot of us keep optimizing and optimizing and hope with enough optimization good things will happen. One needs to understand Youtube as a couple things. It's a search engine. But it's primary power and addiction and force of dominance is as a video sharing site. The right strategies to get your videos found - means you need to optimize, but also need a sharing strategy. That's the real secret to ranking in Youtube.
A few case studies: A B2C site. A company called STACK media got 140,104 views on 137 videos. Spikes are wonderful, but want videos take off on a sustained basis.
The Allen Iverson training video had 36,885 views as of August 8th, 2008. His training video is getting a consistent growing uplift. The shocking truth is that 13% of views came from Search! That;s where the optimization kicked in. 75% came from somewhere else. In this case, they came from related videos. People don't watch "a" video, they watch batches. They are addictive. They came from other Allen Iverson videos - they came and saw more. This is "related video optimization".
Another case study: Worked with SES to optimize over 130 videos - London, NY, etc. Got 26,2411 views. Healthy in a B2B category. Let's look at an individual video. We see a spike at the time of SES NY. Then # of visits went crazy again in the summer. What happened here? Where did the views come from? In this case 7.4% from search. Great! But 71% came from embedded in players and on blogs. Is that search? No. But it's views. And it helps get integrated in universal search.
The related video phenomenon - people watch related videos in a session. And if they embed it in a blog, even better. Create a widget. Allows a package of videos to be taken onto a site. Can tailor the widget so that your videos come up first on your site. Cross fertilization effect. It's video sharing, and that's the secret.
Next up is Chase Norlin:
The web is becoming increasingly visual. It's a challenge to index everything. Getting in video search engines is big. Provides free traffic, exposure of brand and content, or ad revenue.
Pure Video is a large video search site, and a lot of people want to know how to rank high in this engine. How do you show up in top 3? Need to add rich metadata. Push out RSS/MRSS and update frequently. Format that video search engines like. Video search crawling in general is not automated. Also, contact the videos earch engines! Email them to get into the crawler queue. Will get regularly crawled.
Got a site? Run private label video search on it! Powerful for creating traffic and ad revenue and unique content. Customize the search to your audience.
That's all! Thanks.
Stephen Espinosa is up.
How do you get ranked in universal search, and how to convert it?
Who knows that Yahoo has universal search too with video?
Create your videos - take into account the length. No one wants to sit and watch a 3-4 minute video on a search page. Have a call to action. Calls are more important than clicks. Make it ready for TV. Put a twist on it to make it viral.
Make sure video is in SWF format. Don't use Active X controls.
Use Google Video sitemaps and available variables. Make sure all your videos are fed to Google via the sitemap.
SEO: Build a page for every video you produce. Optimize the page with the tags, content, keywords, file name. Use a constant video description that is keyword rich across all sites.
Use analytics to test how long people are staying on the page. If a video is 6 minutes, and people are staying for 42 seconds - you have a problem. Use A/B variant testing to determine which videos gain the best response and where to place links to your video page from your homepage.
Utilize thumbnails. Show your call to action - phone number. Can tell Google which thumbnail to display. Make sure to tell your video producer to put the call to action at the 1/4 mark, 1/2 mark and 3/4 mark.
Google TV. Very affordable to create highly targeted TV spots that you can coordinate with video launches.
Video & Local. Sponsored and local listings are 2.2x likely to get the click. Add the video and you are 3.3x more likely to get the traffic.
Next up is Matthew from Blix.
Tips: Submit video to Blix and they will do the hard work for you.
A list to do for Google and Yahoo video:
1) Provide a well place message2) Have a page with lots of text3) Descriptive file names4) Sitemaps - submit to different engines5) Make sure the URL is descriptive
Don't:1) Don't tag spam. Will get penalized in Blix. 2) Don't require a special flash player
Real his white paper on video SEO.
Gregory of Infuse is up next.
Doing video search since 2001. Has #1 result for "video optimization" on Google.
People forget how effective video can be for reputation management. Can own the SERPs using video optimization. Sharing / community is key to maximizing the bang.
Also, theres mobile benefit. Can opt into a mobile version of the channel in Youtube. Great for demos.
Case study: "Corvette" search on Google - GM does not have a video but someone else does. Missed opportunity by GM.
Put the video on your site as a best practice, but these days people focus on upload approaches as well as RSS and MRSS feeds.
If you are concerned about putting own video on your own site, and want to rank as well as possible, focus on the metadata and everything that surrounds the video. The video search engines read and use that to rank.
We believe video optimization is any technique - paid, viral, social - anything to achieve marketing goals with videos. People get fixated on he keywords when uploading. They are important. Focus on the truncation aspect. The most important keyword or brand should be at the beginning of the sentence. Can rank very successfully for moderate and non competitive phrases just with keywords, but no longer the only piece of the puzzle. To illustrate this - a video with less views can rank higher because of the social aspect. Especially in a competitive vertical. Google is opening up in new ways - the Google keyword tool - now revealing queries. Youtube is becoming more transparent too. More stuff rolling out. You will not rank well on Youtube for competitive videos on keywords alone. Need to stimulate it.
Tips:1) Have no financial interest - make it a good advice piece.2) One title, description, etc. syndicating to many engines.3) On the Youtube homepage, it will tell you what's popular. Query your keyword. It will show you vital information and what keywords are most popular. 4) Type a keyword related to one of your terms, and sort by views. Study those videos. Look at the content, tags, and community aspects such as comments and links. 5) AOL has a page that shows you popular videos from video search engines.6) Find related videos, and come up with a clever video response to that video. Add a URL in the description of the video to your website.7) Any type of text, or call to action. If you have a series of videos - keep them in your walled garden - there is a free feature in Youtube to do so. 8) Add a branding experience. Add a URL in every single frame with a call to action.
Get familiar with the Youtube partner program. If you are content owner, can get rev share. No cost way to increase your video optimization, because Youtube will help promote it.
A new feature: The screening room. They are desperate for content. Can get 6 figures worth of advertising value if you get featured there.
Allow comments within your channel. If you don't, hard to rank well in hypercompetive verticals.
Talk about your video in social sites, press releases. Can embed videos in press releases. Check out sites like, Stumbleupon for using social to promote videos.
Paid search - a new feature rolling out - can buy keywords in Youtube via PPC - only available to agencies right now.
Can use Adwords - through content and site match - to place video ads. Very cost effective. Tremendous value.
Contributed by Avi Wilensky of Promediacorp.

Themes in Content: Hub And Authority Sites - Towards the Sweet Sounds of Authority and Hub Sites

For many website owners, the ultimate goal is to develop a hub or authority site. Some webmasters hope to achieve both levels. The importance of the hubs and authorities is based on themes. Because of that dependence upon a site wide theme relationship, it’s important for your site to concentrate on its themes.
While a site can be an authority for many different themes, the common link is the fact that the website owner created that theme orientation in the first place. It’s entirely possible for many sites to move to the exalted status of hub or authority. It will take some work on the part of the webmaster though.
Hub sites tend to be larger sites with many pages. Most, if not all, authority sites are large sites, often encompassing thousands of pages, and sporting thousands of incoming links. Well, no one said it was going to be an easy job. Constantly adding theme related and keyword rich content will start a site on the right road.
As more fresh keyword laden content is added, then more incoming links will be pointed toward the information provided on the various new and enhanced web pages. More links mean better search engine rankings, as does the additional fresh content. The additional incoming links will pass along more Google PageRank to the receiving pages in particular, and indirectly to the site itself in general. There are many incremental benefits accruing to the site, even as they work their way toward hub and authority status.
To develop theme-based sites worthy of authority or hub status, the place to begin is with the most important keywords and keyword phrases for the site. Domination in those search terms results in authority status for those themes, following an increase in links to the site and total number of content pages.
By continually adding more keywords phrase pages and by proper site map navigation and internal linkage, the first important steps toward higher authority status are initiated. Larger sites, with several dominant themes, should find ways to make the various themes related to one another. Building bridge type pages, that incorporate both themes and effectively fusing them together, might be one possible solution.
Over time, the additional theme-based incoming links, and their accompanying keyword employing link text will develop a hub site. The incoming links must be part of an outgoing linking arrangement to similarly themed sites as well. It is a slow and ongoing process that must be continually improved. By making linking to and from theme related sites, the road to a hub site stature will be well on the way.
The common theme for creating both hub sites and authority sites is the development of a powerfully theme oriented website.
Constant attention to a site’s most important keywords and keyword phrases is important. The very concept of creating hub and authority sites depends upon it. All of the content and linking strategies must relate to the site’s theme or themes.
Combining all of those keywords and search terms into fully integrated themes is essential to elevating a site higher in the search rankings. This concentration of themes is vital to successful rankings in very highly competitive searches.
By keeping themes first and foremost in your mind, they will result in the sweet symphonic sounds of the hub site and the authority site.

Themes in Content: Hub And Authority Sites

It is almost universally agreed by search engine optimization (SEO) professionals that Google and probably the other search engines are using themeing to evaluate the relevance of incoming and outgoing links. Many also agree that themeing is used to measure the relevance of both on and off page content as part of the search algorithm. The question for most SEO experts is to what degree that themeing is indeed being employed by the search engines.
Themes are thought to be used by the search engines to determine search engine rankings. With that in mind, website owners should be conscious of maintaining the theme relevance on their sites. With the rise of hub sites and authority sites to prominence in Google, the need to maintain relevance of theme became much more important.
In order to properly evaluate hub and authority sites, both on page and off page content factors have become much more important than ever before. Incoming links gain more value if they arrive from similarly themed web pages. Sending pages containing entirely irrelevant content will be awarded less weight.
The methods used in the search algorithms to determine relevance of theme are not publicly known, but the implications of the theme basis in the algorithms are obvious in the search results.
More than ever before, search engines are developing techniques to determine the themes and topics of websites, and their individual pages. Failure of a webmaster to pay attention to the changes will cause the site in question to drop far down in the search results.
Web pages that are relevant to the search are what a web searcher wants displayed in any search engine results. The search engine algorithm designers understand that desire on the part of their users. Failure to provide good search results will send users to another search engine. The search engines take themes and relevance seriously. So should you.
If you want to turn your site into the very important hub and authority sites, attention to page and site wide themes is a must.

How to Get Listed on Google in Two Days

You can get listed on Google in two days, if you know how and luck is riding with you. In spite of what many might try to tell you, Google included, it is not difficult to get a quick listing of a new website within a couple of days. I recently got a nasty email from somebody who read one of my articles, and claimed it was impossible to get listed in less than 2 - 4 weeks. You know his reason? Google told him!
It's guys like that who will never get anywhere online because they are unwilling to try stuff for themselves. They believe what they are told, and that is it. Nothing else can be possible, other than what they are told by others. I didn't believe what I was told, which is how I found out how to get listed in less than 2 days. I now know of others that get listed in less than a day.
There are several ways to achieve that, and here are one or two that I have personally used:
1. Writing articles.
Write an article about your niche, and then include a link to a page on your website that you want listed. Google lists pages, and not whole domains, so you can write one article about every page on your site if you want them all listed! Now submit your article to a popular directory such as Buzzle, EzineArticles or Article Dashboard. Once Google spiders one of these directories, your link will be picked up, and if your content is not duplicate you will be listed.
Google might claim you cannot appear on their SERPs in less than two weeks, but that is not so. I have been listed in under two days, and others I know have picked up their pages on Google in less than a day after submitting their articles. A lot is luck: if your article is published just as the directory is being spidered, then your URL will be picked up.
2. Blog Postings
If you have a blog that is listed on Google, then all you need do is to post the URL of your new site on your blog. Next time your blog is crawled the spider will follow your link and if your site is good enough then it will be listed. If you catch it at the right time, you could be listed same day as you made your blog post. If you don't have a blog, ask a friend to allow you to put your website URL on their blog until you are listed. Then you can remove it.
3. Blog Comments
Make a comment to a popular blog, and include your URL. That might just stay live long enough for you to get noticed by a spider. If the blog does not allow links with their comments yours might just stay there long enough.
4. Ezine Submission
This might take a little longer due to the approval procedure, but you can submit an advert or even an article to an ezine pertaining to your niche. Ezines are spidered by search engines, and when they are your URL will be followed, leading to a potential listing on Google.
These are just four ways in which you can listed on Google in a lot less time than most people believe is possible. So if you are having problems getting listed, try one of these techniques, and you should be pleasantly surprised.
Peter normally has his new websites listed on Google, Yahoo and MSN within two days, and consistently gets high search engine listings. His website Improved Search Engine Rank offers to show you how exactly how he does it, including how Page Rank and SEO can be used together to achieve the highest listings for your keyword. Get his free 7 part SEO course.

How to Improve Your Google Listing and Achieve a Higher Search Engine Ranking

There are many ways in which you can improve your Google listing, and some work better than others depending on the type of website you have or on your niche. Here are ways in which you can get a higher Google ranking, or even a better search engine ranking in general.
We shall forget about onpage SEO such as use of meta tags and use of keywords since that has been done to death by now. There are other things that you can do to improve your search engine ranking, and among them are:
1. Put a site map on your website. You can generate an XML site map using any of several tools listed on Google, and a simple, search should enable you to find one. Once you have followed the instructions, you should submit the site map to Google and to Yahoo, and each will then be able to crawl your website without hindrance. It will also be updated each time the search engines crawl your site because XML sitemaps update as you add new pages to your site. Your site map should uploaded to the root directory of your website.
2. Start up a blog using one of the two main free blogging hosts, Blogger or Wordpress. In fact, why not use both and get the benefit of each? Blogger is owned by Google, so a Blogger blog is of particular benefit for Google listings. Put the URL of the pages of your website that you want promote on your blog, and these pages will be visited next time your blog is crawled.
3. Open an account with Technorati, and some of the other social bookmarking sites, and submit your blog to them. Ping them each time you make a new posting, and you will get good exposure to search engines whenever they visit these sites (which is very often).
4. Use social networking sites such as YouTube, MySpace and Facebook to advertise your blog, or even your website. In fact put both your blog and your website on these sites, and you will get one-way back-links to your site, thus improving your Google PageRank and search engine results positions.
5. Make sure that all of your links are open. Nothing ruins your Google listing than broken links, and you must test all of your links to make sure that they are all working. You aren't expected to do that manually, and there is software available online to test your links for you.
6. Avoid reciprocal links like the plague, unless you have arranged them privately and both of you are happy with their positioning. Links farms, and large list pages on which you are at #259 on the SEO page, are not only useless with respect to any PageRank votes, but can actually do you harm. So steer clear of them. There are enough ways of securing one-way links without having to negotiate reciprocal links. These days are long gone.
7. Register with Google Webmaster Tools, and check out their analysis of your website. The software can detect broken links, but more importantly, can carry out other tasks such as making sure that only one form of your URL is recognized, and checking out your Meta tags. Although these are not used as much as previously, they are used or Google wouldn't be checking them for you!
8. Register for a free Squidoo lens, and use your URL on that. Not simply just as a URL, but as a means of solving a problem. A Squidoo lens is like a mini-website, and you can use it to present a problem, and then your website as a solution. Not only does that get you one-way back-links to your choice of website page, but also the potential of loads of traffic: people that want their problem solved.
So there are eight methods of promoting your website and improving your search engine ranking. There e other ways to improve your Google listing, but these are very effective off site methods of doing so, other than 1 and 5 that are essential on-site techniques - even more important than meta tags and the correct html tags.
Apply each one of these and you should be rewarded with an improved Google listing, and your search engine ranking in general should be enhanced.
These are only eight methods of improving your Google listings, but SEOcious will provide you with many more methods of attaining a very high search engine ranking for your website.

Web Consultants in London

The internet is growing at a very healthy pace in the UK and London; the Capital City is no exception either. More and more people are taking to the internet and if your business is not already online, high time that you create your presence in the online market space.

How can your business benefit from the Internet revolution?

The first step towards joining the internet community is creating a web site of your business. By running an appropriate search in any of the Popular search engines, you can certainly find a number of do-it-yourself kits or even tutorials to help you put up a web site for your business. But, do they give you the finer details? Can the web-site developed in-house stand scrutiny from the demanding audience? Can it help you achieve your objectives? These are the questions you should ask yourself before engaging in developing your web-site.

Is there an alternative?

Yes, the alternative is to engage, reputed web consultants who have great testimonials from their existing clients in London, other parts of the UK, or for that reason any part of the world. What you need to know is the performance of the web-sites which the web consultants have already created. The professionals have the advantage of being posted of the very latest developments on the internet highway and therefore can construct your web site in tune with the times. Internet technology keeps changing rapidly and knowledge of these tools and elements are essential for any business to succeed in the online space. As of now, your business can be show cased to any target group of audience on the basis of location, age profile, gender profile, time profile etc. Professional marketers can understand these parameters in depth and be your healthy partners in assured growth.

Search Engine Marketing in Birmingham

There are 2 facets to Search Engine Marketing. The first is Search Engine Optimization and the second is PPC or Pay per Click program. Most website owners are aware that they do need Search Engine Marketing to promote their business. Some of them attempt to learn the methodology and create their on marketing campaign. Often times, in-house efforts come with no guarantee of success and leads to trial and error steps. But, errors in this instant case cost money to website owners.

Internet Marketing Agency

An Internet Marketing Agency on the other hand, understands Search Engine Marketing in all its hues and is therefore in a position to render very focused and precise services to take your advertisements to highly targeted groups who are looking for your product or are likely to be looking for them in the short run. This will make for better conversions. The internet usage in UK in 2000 was about 26% of its population has grown to about 65% in 2008. With an excellent broad band connectivity and Government support, this is on a healthy trajectory and more and more people in the UK would take to the internet at a consistent rate.

How internet growth can influence your business?

The convenience that the internet provides be it in the area of buying tickets, obtaining information, buying a variety of goods, searching for difficult to get items, finding life partners, a variety of sports and sports related goods and information – virtually anything that one can conceive, can be accomplished with great ease. Whether in London or Birmingham, you can do all these and more right from the comfort of your home. Search Engine Marketing is the highway through which your products and services can travel to claim your share of this growing pie. Get going today!

PPC Advertising to increase Sales and Traffic

Every business needs advertisement to communicate to the potential customer that the particular product exists and tell him how it can help him address his needs. In the physical world, most forms of advertisements are targeted at the masses through media like TV, magazines, hoardings etc. A person viewing the advertisement need not even be remotely interested in your product and yet, there is a cost for that particular eye pair which you pay.

PPC Advertising is different

In the online world, PPC advertising, or Pay per Click advertising is a different product altogether. In this form of advertisement, your advertisement can be targeted to specific audience who are most likely looking for your product. For example, if you have wonderful bath accessories, your advertisements will be seen by people who are looking for home improvement, bath room remodelling, Interior decoration, home improvement etc. This gives you an edge over all other mediums because with the advertisement being seen by target groups, the conversion rate will be much higher.

Cost effective
With media advertising, your cost is often related to the reach of the media. For instance, a publication with a reach of say 500,000 copies a week would cost your advertisement a certain amount of money, with no guarantee of any conversions. But, when you run a Pay per Click advertising program, particularly through a professional agency like an Internet Marketing Agency, often times you get a guaranteed conversion rate as well as all the expertise required to run the campaign effectively. A cost-benefit analysis on Pay per Click program would also reveal that your cost per sale is just a fraction of what you achieve from other media. PPC advertising in the online media therefore stands as an effective tool in promoting your business to this vast expanse of internet community.

Internet Marketing Agency for Web promotion

Only about 22% of the world’s population uses the internet as of now. America has the largest percentage of netizens (people who use the internet) followed by Australia at about 60% and Europe at close to 50 %. When we look at the number of people using the Internet, Asia tops the list with about 600 million users, followed by Europe at 385 million users and America including Latin America and the Caribbean total to a trifle less than 400 million. All these regions along with the other parts of the world are showing a very aggressive growth in the number of internet users.

Why internet marketing?

The data above should convince anyone that any business today needs an internet presence. Business should generate revenue to sustain and to create revenue, the internet medium is not just cost effective, but also presents the widest reach round the clock and on every single day of the year. Even physical business which have already achieved commendable success, have created their presence in the web world to claim their share.

The need for an Internet Marketing Agency

Web promotion, particularly with the evolution of web 2.0 technologies has become a complex subject. Though many web site owners do attempt in-house options to manage their marketing the complexity and lack of access to latent information and techniques often deny them their due share. An internet marketing agency on the other hand, is fully equipped with continuous updates on all that concerns the various tools employed in internet marketing. Therefore, your web promotion when handled by the experts will provide greater penetration and conversions which is what every marketer toils for day in and day out. You should therefore choose an internet marketing agency with a good track record and even check back with their existing customers. The customer service and ability to co-ordinate with you through a single source are among the major qualities of an International Marketing Agency.

Video Search Engine Optimization

Most of us know that a site that's well configured for search engine access is a major part of getting high traffic levels. However, you might not have thought about optimizing your video as well as the rest of your site. Since multimedia content is becoming a much more popular way of distributing information, correct video search engine optimization is important.For instance, on YouTube alone (which accounts for more than ninety-eight percent of the videos viewed via Google), more than eighty-two million people watched over four billion videos last year. That makes YouTube both the top video sharing site and the top video search engine.

YouTube receives as much as thirteen hours of new user-submitted video every minute, and more than fifty percent of the people watching videos online share links with other people. So, getting a good YouTube ranking could be an important way to bring people to your site.For owners of video content, video search engine optimization is a good way to get exposure, ad income, and free traffic. Being discovered by the viewers has to happen before you can get lots of views. That means making sure that your data is rich in meta information, and that you use quality RSS or MRSS feeds that you update on a regular basis.Make sure that your meta data is well placed and relevant to the topic. A cleaner can help you remove distracting or irrelevant meta information from the file.Only after you produce well optimized content should you contact the search engines and submit your video. This places you in the queue of web crawlers, and means you'll be indexed more quickly and more often than if you hadn't bothered to submit. The more regularly your content is crawled, the better your chance of rating well on search results.Index your site on other engines than Google or YouTube. They can spread your video to other search engines you may not have thought of. For instance, indexing your site on Blinkx will cause it to show up on Ask and MSN, among others.One important part of your strategy should be a series of related videos. When a viewer sees a video online that he or she likes, there's a good likelihood that this viewer will look for others like them. While a single great video will be popular and welcomed, you'll do even better if it's part of a series.Use an embedded video player, too. Many viewers will be more inclined to view your submission if it's part of your site or blog than if they had to go to your video hosting service to see it. However, you should avoid players that use only Flash. Don't use pop-up players, which annoy more people than they amuse, and will actually cause you to lose views.

The more views you get, the more likely you are to be picked up by other sites, linked to, and rank well on video searches. You can even customize embedded video players to display playlists related to your company, and adjust the layout, and other information.Create traffic by placing a video search box on your site. This adds unique content and boosts ad revenue. Make sure that you create a video of the appropriate length for your audience, and that you're looking for the right response.You can use analytics to find out how long a customer stays on your video page, which will tell you if your video is too long. You can also use analytics to tell you which of your videos get the best response. Once you know this, you'll be able to decide which content should be linked first on your home page.Remember that no webcrawler has ever bought a product or a service. If you're a local business using video to advertise, clicks are a lot less important than calls. Include a call to action with your contact information as part of your video - thumbnails are an excellent way to do this. You can use YouTube to create thumbnails at the quarter, half, and three-quarter marks. Making sure that you have both a local listing and a video listing on Google's Search Engine Results Page also increases your likelihood of getting visits.You may also wish to make sure that your videos are high enough quality for and in the right format for television. Google TV is very affordable, and lets you create closely targeted video.Don't use Active X controls and export all files as swf format. Use Google Video sitemaps to help with navigation, and build a separate page for each video, rather than hosting many videos on the same page. Use a simple text title and description, and optimize that page as you would any other. Then, link to it from the index page.Descriptions and titles need to be consistent across all your sites, and file names should descriptive and make sense to the viewer. Remember that Different communities require different approaches. Prominent keywords can help on many sites. However, while keyword rich content will help videos hosted on your site be noticed by Blinkx or Truveo, it won't help on YouTube.You'll need to get the attention of the community in general. Video responses to popular, related videos can help get others to visit your contribution. Your content will appear in close proximity to videos that are already popular. Make sure you include an active URL in the description of your video, and end the video with a mention of the link. Annotations can help you link to other YouTube videos. Be sure to allow comments!Don't tag with irrelevant search terms, no matter how popular they might be. Remember that you need to appeal to real people, rather than just optimizing blindly. While you might turn up early in a search with good optimization, an unappealing video will cause people to pass you by. If you know what kind of content your audience prefers, you'll be able to create the right video marketing plan for your business or organization.Video search engine optimization is an important part of any video marketing strategy. If you're planning to market your business or organization using multimedia content, creating it correctly and surrounding it with the right keywords and other information can help it be noticed. Before you submit a video, make sure it's optimized.

About The AuthorRandy Zlobec, president of RZ Concepts, Inc. an Internet Marketing and Search Engine Optimization company specializing in top placement throughout the Major Search Engines. RZ Concepts has been in business since 1996. Visit the corporate website at RZ